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1. Scientific clinical study, Children’s Surgery Hospital, University of Leipzig, Prof. Dr. J. Bennek and Prof. Dr. Rothe: Evaluation of the effect of Egg-oil on burns. The result: The ointment for burns with egg-oil has reached the golden standard. The egg-oil fastens the healing of wounds 3 – 4 days quicker than the compared ointment and also prevents the spreading of pathologic bacteria. This study has been published as a doctoral thesis.
2. Chemical analyses of toxic agents in egg-oil, Laboratory Dr. Lörscher, Ludwigsburg.
Result: all possible toxic agents are much lower than permitted limits.
3. Gaschromatographic analyses and Totalionenchchromatogramme of the egg-oil, Laboratory Dr. Lörcher.
4. Microbiologic study on sterility, Biochem, Karlsruhe. Result: absolute free of germs.
5. Proof of antibacterial efficacy of the egg-oil on the worldwide resistant bacteria Esch. coli and Staph. aureus.
6. Exact biochemical analyses of the egg-oil by Biochem, Karlsruhe.
7. Institute for experimental Dermatology, University Witten-Herdecke, Prof. Tronnier:Application test of the test preparation La Crème du Ciel. Result: The treatment with the test preparation shows a significant improvement of the skin surface after a period of 3 weeks.
8. Institute for experimental dermatology, University of Witten-Herdecke, Prof. Dr. Tronnier: Epicutane testing for skin irritating effects of cosmetics on humans. Result: No irritations caused by La Crème du Ciel.
9. IInstitute for experimental dermatology, University of Witten-Herdecke, Prof. Dr. Tronnier:Testing for antiphlogistic effects in a UV-modell of La Crème du CIEL with egg-oil: Result: La Crème du CIEL shows anti-inflammatory effects.
10. Institute for Microcirculation, Berlin, Dr. med. Rainer Klopp: Study on investigation of therapyrelevant effects of a test-substance (“egg-oil”) on ambulant patients with minor acute dermal inflammations according to functional characteristics of the microcirculation, behavioural patterns of the white blood cells and reflection-spectrometrical patterns in the target-tissue in comparison with a control substance.
Result: The examined verum-substance has a functional and metabolic based local efficacy with regard to an improvement of the function of the microcirculation and stimulation of immunologic reactions, reflected in the convincing results of the statistic evaluations of the measurements.
11. Institue for Microcirculation, Berlin, Dr. med. Rainer Klopp:
Oberservation of application.
Study on investigation of local prophylactic, protective and i.a. therapyrelevant effects of a test substance (“egg-oil”) on the gingiva in comparison to a control substance on probands with experimental gingivitis according to functional characteristics of the microcirculation, behavioural patterns of the white blood cells and reflection-spectrometrical patterns.
In summarizing, the observed behaviroural patterns of all measurements can be evaluated as follows:
The application of the test substance “egg-oil” on probands with experimental gingivitis has caused a considerable improvement of the functional condition of the gingival microcirculation and, at the same time, stimulated the endogenous immune defense, so that a faster recovery of physiologic conditions in the experimentally inflammed target-tissue was gained. The renunciation of the application of “egg-oil” in the control-group caused a delayed restitutio of several days. The observed time constants and measurements of change of characteristics do testify for a good protective and prophylactic efficacy of “egg-oil” in case of parodontopathies; the changes of the gingival functional conditions of the microcirculation seem to make therapeutic application in the field of periodontology to be successful.
12. Institute for Microcirculation, Berlin, Dr. med. Rainer Klopp:
"Ei-Öl" fördert die Mikrozirkulationund unterstützt die Immun-Abwehr bei Entzündungen. Neue Untersuchungsresultate
”Egg-oil” supports die microcirculation and the immune defense in case of inflammations.
New results.
The Problem
Skin and intestines belong to the immunologic most active organs. Are these organs inflammed, it is very important for the restitution process, what local adjustment range and what functional condition of the microcirculation, that means the blood flow in the smallest blood vessels, is present in the respective tissues. In order that the carrier of the immune defense, the white blood cells, can fully develop their immunologic reactions, it is necessary that they are first of all transported into the network of the smallest blood vessels and spread well pass into the capillary blood streams. If there are optimal streaming conditions, the first steps of the immunologic defense reaction can be started without delay: the adhesion of the white blood cells to the micro-blood-vessel wall and thereafter the passing of the white cells through the wall into the tissue. Then follows the chemotactic location and the phagocytosis, e.g. of a pathogenic organism.
The correlation between functional condition of the microcirculation and the immunologic defense options is not only essential in pathogenic processes, but also with regard to the protection and prophylaxis of several inflammatory processes in skin and intestines. The clinical practice knows a line of medical preparations which can stimulate the aforementioned mechanisms, but cause undesirable side-effects. Among the almost immeasurable amount of skin care and similar products – the manufacturers of which claim that their products have protective and prophylactic effects – you will fail to find valid efficacy proof. Particularly in the field of body- and oral care and self-medication, e.g. in case of minor inflammations of the skin and oral mucuous membranes, there is a lack of effective products that can improve the functional condition of the microcirculation and stimulate endogenous defense mechanisms in the sense of a real protection and prophylaxis without causing the user undesirable side-effects.
13. Institute for Microcirculation, Berlin, Dr. med. Rainer Klopp:
Local efficacy of “egg-oil” on the microcirculation of hemorrhoids.
14. Institute for Mickrozirkulation, Berlin, Dr. med. Rainer Klopp: Examination of the biologic efficacy of the test substance “egg-oil” with the help of reflection-spectrometrical, reflective light microscopical and intravital-microscopical characteristics with regard to the function of the local microcirculation and the quality of the skin surface in comparison with a placebo-substance in case of a biometric sufficient random sample of defined old scars.
15. International Institute for Biophotonic Research, Prof. Dr. Popp. Result:
A tincture developed from egg-oil shows higher biophotonic radiation than the egg-oil itself.
16. Municipal Hospital Offenbach, Prof. Dr. Kitschke. Scientific study of egg-oil ointment in the treatment of scars healing after breast-cancer surgery. Intermediate result: It shows clearly very good effects.
17. University Dental Clinic Aachen, Microbiology, University Prov. Doz. Dr. G. Conrads: the egg-oil shows a statistically significant minimizing influence on Prevotella intermedia at gingivitis and superficial parodontitis.
18. University Children’s Hospital at University Leipzig: Dissertation by Romana Unger, Prof. Dr. Bennek, Prof. Dr. K. Rothe: Reepithelializating effect of a creme for burn treatment made of spagyric egg-oil on children with partial or complete thermic injuries (up to grade 2 b).
19. KESLA Research & Service KG, 06803 Greppin, GLP certified and officially recognized research institute: Toxicology: Under the tested criteria, there is no evaluation of Charismon® as a toxic or harmful substance.
20. Institute for experimental dermatology, University of Witten-Herdecke, Prof. Dr. Tronnier:
Influence of a egg-oil crème on the skin of elderly persons after application of four weeks:
Skin’s roughness was decreased by 33 %.
Skin’s scaliness was decreased by 54 %.
Skin’s smoothness was increased by 18 %.
A positive influence on wrinkles is usually achieved by cosmetic means only to a very small extent. Nevertheless, the wrinkles were minimized on an average of 6.3 %. All results are clearly significant.